Sabtu, 27 Juli 2024

Genmuda – Kawan Muda masih ingat dengan Rainbow Coffee yang bulan lalu infoin? Ya, kopi dengan suguhan warna bak pelangi di bagian atasnya yang mampu menggoda iman penikmat kopi. Sekarang, metode warna-warni kembali merambah ke satu menu baru, yaitu Sushi.

Di Jepang, para food artist menyulap Sushi yang menjadi makanan khas dari negara tersebut menjadi penuh warna. Mereka menyebutnya Rainbow Sushi, dan bentuknya sangat menggoda.

Jika Rainbow Coffee menggunakan teknik latte art dengan warna yang variatif, Rainbow Sushi pun kurang lebih sama. Warna yang berbeda menempel pada nasi, rumput laut, dan bahan lainnya yang membuat mulut kita berliur melihatnya. Terlebih jika kamu penggemar makanan tersebut.

Di Instagram sendiri, Rainbow Sushi sekarang jadi satu hal yang terkenal. Begitu selidik, udah banyak banget pengguna yang mengunggahnya dengan variasi masing-masing. Berikut kami pilih yang terbaik buat kamu gaes.

Rainbow unicorn sushi ??❤️ by @theindigokitchen Ingredients: 2 cups uncooked sushi rice 1/4 cup rice vinegar 2 tbsp vegan sugar 1 avocado Bell pepper 1 Cucumber 1 sweet potato 1/4 piece purple cabbage 1/2 tsp baking soda Turmeric Beet powder Spirulina 1 tsp gochujang 5 sheets nori Colouring the rice Cook the sushi rice and place it in a bowl to cool and add the rice vinegar and sugar to your own taste. Mix it in using a wooden spoon (this will help prevent the rice to break) To make each colour you take a shallow bowl and put about half a cup of rice and mix in the food colouring. *keep in mind that you just want to colour the rice so don't add to much of each food colouring so you don't alter the taste to much. For red use a bit of beet powder For orange use a mixture of turmeric and beet powder or a small amount of gochujang (for this batch I used gochujang) For yellow add a little bit of turmeric For green use a little bit of spirulina and a pinch of turmeric For blue and purple Boil 1/4 piece of chopped cabbage in about 3 cups of water for about 30 minutes or until you're left with about 1 cup of water. Use this water to cook 1/2 cup of sushi rice and save about 3 tbsp of the purple water to make the blue food colouring. Now you've got your purple rice use some of the remaining white rice you made to make blue. Add about 1 tsp of baking soda to the purple water and it will turn blue, now add this to the sushi rice and mix it well. Assembling the sushi Chop your sweet potato in stripes and roast these in a preheated oven on 450 Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes. Now chop the remaining ingredients into strips. Now get a bamboo roller and cover it with some plastic wrap to keep it clean. Add a sheet of nori and place strips of rice until you've got all the colours and top this with the filling. Now roll the suhsi and wet the end with a bit of water to make it sticky and place it on a platter or chopping board. Once you've rolled all your rolls, wet a sharp knife and slice your rolls to reveal a beautiful rainbow sushi! Enjoy! #letscookvegan

A post shared by Let's Cook Vegan (@letscookvegan) on

How pretty is this!! Mermaid rainbow sushi made by @elsas_wholesomelife. Natural colours made with dried powders from @thesourcebulkfoods!! ??✨

A post shared by PEANUT BUTTER BALLS ON SPECIAL (@thesourcebulkfoods) on

Yak, begitu ngegemesin bukan? Kalau kamu belum puas, langsung saja ketik hashtag #rainbowsushi di Instagram.

Sebelumnya, berbagai makanan yang berwarna memang lagi marak yah, Kawan Muda. Sebut saja ada burger hitam, donat pelangi, roti pelangi, dan masih banyak lagi. Tujuannya sendiri supaya menarik pembeli dengan tampilan yang catchy. Tapi namanya kuliner, tampil warna-warni aja kayak engga bakalan cukup tanpa rasa yang hacep di mulut. Gimana ada di antara kamu yang udah nyobain sushi warna-warni tersebut? (sds)



Bobi Brilyan Bastenjar
Valar Morghulis